Salicylic and hyaluronic acids benefit the skin work in different ways. Naturally present in the bodyskin, hyaluronic acid is a humectant, collecting water and vapour which helps to keep your skin hydrated. As for salicylic acid, in skincare products, it’s best known as an ingredient known especially for skin renewal. Combined in a single skincare product, such as a serum, the two acids bring four main advantages.

1/ Exfoliating and cleansing pores: Salicylic acid exfoliates the  skin, removing dead skin cells. Because it is an oil soluble molecule, it helps to unclog pores and reduce their appearance.

2/ Reducing inflammation: By exfoliating and keeping pores clean, salicylic acid serums  also helps to reduce inflammation. Without bacteria and dirt that collected in the pores removed, there is much less cause for irritation and inflammation.

3/ Anti-ageing: Both hyaluronic and salicylic acids act on signs of ageing, helping skin to stay smooth and giving it extra volume.

4/ Hydrationng: More than simply moisturising skin, hyaluronic acid benefits the helps skin by retaining moisture, so that it stays hydrated and in good health.

Adults who suffer from acne must also deal with the first visible signs of ageing. Oxidised sebum and Cutibacterium acnes bacteria are largely responsible for producing blemishes such as blackheads, papules and pustules. These are compounded by fine lines and the first wrinkles as the first early signs of ageing. Combining salicylic and hyaluronic acids together in one product therefore makes perfect sense as– they work to complement each other. An adult with acne-prone skin needs to apply just one product to provide skincare for two different problems.

Salicylic Acid: The Exfoliating Cleaner

A beta-hydroxy acid that is used in dermatology to treat a number of skin disorders, salicylic acid dissolves into a skincare product’s aqueous phase to work on the skin’s surface. With acne, dead skin cells tend to amalgamate together and build up on the skin’s surface. This thickening of the skin, called hyperkeratinsation, is one of the reasons why pores become blocked. Salicylic acid helps to unstick these cells from each other, so that they fall away. Unblocked pores mean that sebum can circulate freely. It doesn’t oxidise, which means C. acneswdon’t colonise it, and this  helps to reduce inflammation. And with no more excess skin cells that stick to each other, new cells move to the skin’s surface. Residual marks disappear quicker and , the skin becomes smoother and more even, for a more uniform complexion.

Hyaluronic Acid: The Hydrating Rejuvenator

Hyaluronic acid plays a key role in maintaining and restoring the skin’s moisture levels. Able to absorb up to 1,000 times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid benefits the skin by helps skin maintaining all its vital structures. It is also involved in the production of collagen, making skin supple. The amount of hyaluronic acid naturally present in the skin gradually falls over time. Therefore iIncluding it in a skincare product therefore  helps to lift and smooth skin. HFinally, hyaluronic acid also helps the skin’s protective barrier remain intact, preventing stressors from irritating your skin.

A salicylic and hyaluronic acid serum, absorbed into the skin, helps to exfoliate, reduces inflammation, hydrates and protects the skin barrier, and improves your  overall complexion and tone. Combining the two acids in one serum provides complementary actions and all the effectiveness of each, without necessarily affecting skin  tolerance in skin.

Does using a the hyaluronic and salicylic acids cause irritation?

The benefits of including both hyaluronic and salicylic acids in a single product are numerous; with, with this addition, your not least that a skincare routine needs just one product to achieve so many welcome results. With Bioderma’s ecobiological approach, this serum uses the minimal amount of ingredients in our products, and only those that are necessary, to ensure their complete tolerance and effectiveness. As more products are added to a skincare routine, the greater the risk that something will make the skin react.